Office of Admissions and Scholarships
Office: 101 Montgomery Hall
Telephone: 662-325-2224
Mississippi State University’s Scholarship Program offers assistance to outstanding students who demonstrate the potential for superior academic performance at the college level. Students must be enrolled full-time and must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours each semester to receive scholarships. Certain scholarships and loans require the student complete a minimum of 15 credit hours each semester to receive the award. Academic scholarships will be deferred during the work phase for co-op students. Renewal of scholarships non-resident scholarships/waivers is based on full-time enrollment and maintaining a 3.00 overall GPA at the end of each fall semester. All students have the right to appeal their Scholarship status. Exceptions may be made in cases of mitigating circumstances such as: Death in the immediate family, personal injury, illness, etc, as determined by the Office Academic and non-resident tuition scholarships are only offered during the fall and spring semesters. Requests to substitute a summer semester for a fall or spring semester must be made through the scholarship office.
A listing of Mississippi State University scholarship opportunities are located at:
Mississippi Fraternal Order of Police Endowed Scholarship
Applicants for the Mississippi Fraternal Order of Police Endowed Scholarship must:
- Be students who are currently employed as law enforcement officers and who are enrolled in the criminology program in the Department of Sociology in the College of Arts and Sciences at Mississippi State University. Preference will be given to students who are members of the Fraternal Order of Police.
- Have demonstrated academic achievement, a minimum of 3.0 based on a 4.0 scale.
- Have demonstrated leadership abilities. Applicants will be reviewed by the Department of Sociology Scholarship committee. Any scholarships will be awarded on a year-to-year basis. Students who are recipients one year are eligible for consideration in any other year; however, they must again comply with the selection criteria.
Social Work
Reaves-Davenport Excellence In Social Work Scholarship

Drs. Judith and Joe Davenport have established the Reaves-Davenport Excellence in Social Work Scholarship for outstanding social work students at Mississippi State University. The scholarship is competitive and available to full-time, second semester juniors or seniors enrolled in the social work program and with a minimum of a 3.0 GPA. The scholarship is for one year only and students may receive it one time only.
Joseph Davenport, III, MSSW, PhD Biographical Sketch
Joseph is a retired professor from the School of Social Work at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He also taught in the Department of Social Work at Mississippi State University, where he was Coordinator of the Meridian Branch, and at the University of Wyoming. He was the Director of Continuing Social Work Education at the University of Georgia. Joseph was the of Chief of Social Services, at the Flathead Indian Health Services in St. Ignatius, Montana, and was Planning Associate at the Council of Community Services, Nashville, Tennessee.
Dr. Davenport received his BA in sociology/social work at Mississippi State University, his MSSW from the College of Social Work, University of Tennessee, and his doctorate from the University of Wyoming, Department of Educational Administration. His practice areas focused on health and mental health programming and community organization and development. His specialty area is in all aspects of rural social work.
Joseph has authored or co-authored numerous papers at national and international conferences/symposia and has authored and co-authored numerous publications, primarily related to rural social work , including the co-editing of several books. He co-authored the rural social work section of the 19th and 20th editions of the Encyclopedia of Social Work.
Joseph has held office in many professional organizations including the National Association of Social Workers, Council on Social Work Education, and Rural Social Work Caucus.
Judith A. Davenport, PhD, MSSW Biographical Sketch
Judith A. Davenport is a Professor Emerita in the School of Social Work at the University of Missouri-Columbia. She was the director of the School from 1989-1977 and was also the Director of Graduate Studies and the Director of Off-Campus programs. Prior to that Dr. Davenport was Director of the Undergraduate Program at the University of Georgia and Chair of the Department of Social Work at the University of Wyoming. Additional teaching experiences have included Mississippi State University, Department of Social Work and the University of Montana, Department of Social Work. She was a visiting professor at Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand, and a visiting scholar at National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Dr. Davenport received her BA in sociology/social work at Mississippi State University, her MSSW from the College of Social Work, University of Tennessee, and her PhD from the University of Wyoming, Department of Educational Administration. Her extensive practice experience includes the areas of physical and mental health, aging, child welfare, social development, sexual assault, and social services administration. Her practice, research, and teaching interests have focused on issues related primarily to rural communities and rural social work. Her most recent research has focused on the impacts of the influx of Latinos/Hispanics and other minority immigrants on rural communities in Missouri and other Midwestern states.
Judith has presented or co-presented numerous publications at national and international conferences/symposia and co-edited several books and numerous articles, primarily on rural social work. She co-authored the rural social work section of the 19th and 20th editions of the Encyclopedia of Social Work.
Judith has held office in many professional organizations including the National Association of Social Workers, Council on Social Work Education, Inter-University Consortium for International Social Development, National Association for Rural Mental Health, the National Association of Deans and Directors of Schools of Social Work, and the Rural Social Work Caucus.
How to Apply
ATTENTION: Scholarship applications for the Fall 2025 - Spring 2026 semesters will be available October 1, 2024. You may access the application via MyState under the Financial Aid and Scholarships tab. We encourage all students who want to be considered to fill out the General University scholarship application and also the Arts & Sciences conditional application.
Steps to Apply
- Student must be admitted to MSU to apply for scholarships.
- Log in to your myState account using your NetID and NetPassword.
- On the Banner tab, under the Financial Aid and Scholarships column, click "Submit/Revise General Scholarship Application".
- A new window will pop up, and you'll ned to log in again using your NetID and NetPassword.
- When you're logging in for the first time, you'll need to complete the general application.
- Don't forget to click the "Save" button! When you're returning after your first log-in, you'll be able to see your saved information.
- After you complete and submit your general application, you may have additional opportunities recommended to you based on your test scores, GPA, leadership and service, and applicant record. More opportunities may become available over time, so we encourage you to log in regularly and check your account to see if any additional recommendations appear.
- If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Admissions and Scholarships at or (662) 325-2224