Timothy Reling

Timothy Reling


  • Affiliated and Emeritus Faculty


  • Assistant Research Professor


(662) 325-9242

Dr. Timothy T. Reling is an assistant research professor at the Mississippi State University National Strategic Planning and Analysis Research Center (NSPARC). He specializes in basic criminological research examining collegiate sexual violence, as well as applied criminological research assessing community reentry and collateral consequences of incarceration. Throughout his career, Dr. Reling has maintained a close working relationship with the Louisiana Department of Public Safety & Corrections (LA DPS&C), serving as the lead statistician over the past nine years for the development, implementation, and refinement of the Targeted Interventions Gaining Enhanced Reentry (TIGER) Risk-Needs-Responsivity system. This research has guided the use of evidence-based tools for correctional resource allocation and case management throughout the State of Louisiana. His work can be found in technical reports and peer-reviewed journals such as Sex Roles, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Urban Studies, and Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. He holds a doctoral degree in Sociology from Louisiana State University.